
Get your tickets through the following methods:

-> Discounts - Self-claimed / Application-based (Starts July 9)

-> General Admission sale waves (Starts July 16) – $599 USD

  • -> Raffle-Auction - Winner Claims (Deadline July 31)

We're working to make Devcon 7 more accessible than ever before.

We're proud to offer discounted tickets to community contributors through 1. self-claiming methods, and 2. our standard application-based process.

Self-claim (Open until August 31)

Simply connect your wallet, sign a message proving that you own this wallet, and claim your discount. Self-claiming remains open until August 31. You can redeem any claimed vouchers until September 15.

Past Attendees

For those who collected the POAP at previous events

  • Devconnect AMS
  • Devcon Bogota
  • Devconnect IST

10% Off

Learn more

Public Goods Projects

For those who fundraised for Public Goods projects

  • Clr.fund
  • Giveth
  • Gitcoin
  • Octant

50% Off

Learn more

DAO Participants

Active participation and governing of DAOs

  • Governor
  • Tally

25% Off

Learn more

OSS Contributors

Recent open-source contributions to Ethereum

  • efdevcon
  • ethereum
  • execution clients
  • consensus clients

50% Off

Learn more

Core Devs

Discount for Ethereum core developers

  • Merge Pass
  • Protocol Guild

100% Off

Learn more

Local Builders

Discount for SEA Residents, and Indian residents

  • zkPassport
  • AnonAadhaar

$49 USD

Learn more

Check eligibility

Now live
Enter wallet address or Github username.

Validate any single source of criteria to unlock discounted Devcon tickets.

Application-based (Open indefinitely)
  • Local SEA Builders ($49 USD)

    For locals who are passionate about Ethereum & want to attend Devcon. Local residents can apply via 1 of 3 methods:

    • Our Manual Application — application form : Submit your ID via our encrypted Secure-Drop portal. Same review process, same likelihood of acceptance.
    • SEA Residents — zkPassport : Use your Passport & Zero-Knowledge proofs to prove SEA residency, which can help qualify you for a Local Builder Discount.
    • Indian Residents — AnonAahdhaar : Use your Aadhaar card & Zero-Knowledge Proofs to prove Indian residency, which can help qualify you for Local Builder Discount.
  • Builder  ($299 USD)

    For builders of all kinds (developers, designers, researchers, community organizers, artists, etc.) who actively volunteer or contribute their time to the growth, research and development of Ethereum or the ecosystem. ID submission required.

  • Academic (Students & Teachers)  ($99 USD)

    For students & educators who wish to learn more about Ethereum. Must be a current student with valid student ID or transcript, or justly employed by an Academic Institution. Locals may qualify for an extra $50 off. ID submission required.

  • Youth (Under 18)  ($20 USD)

    For those under 18 years of age who are passionate about Ethereum & want to attend Devcon. ID submission required.

  • Community Ticket Requests 

    Leaders & organizers of various non-profit web2 & web3 communities or meetups can apply for free or discounted tickets for their groups to attend.




Presale Raffle+Auction

  • 1
    Raffle+Auction Bidding Begins
    June 18
  • 2
    Raffle+Auction Bidding Ends
    July 9
  • 3
    Raffle+Auction Claiming Begins
    July 9
  • 4
    Raffle+Auction Claiming Ends
    July 31

Discounted Tickets

  • 1
    Discount Ticket Applications open
    July 9
  • 2
    Discount Ticket Responses sent on rolling basis

General Ticketing Waves

Our GA ticket sales begin on July 16, and each wave will launch at 16:00 UTC.

  • 1
    Wave 01
    July 16
  • 2
    Wave 02
    July 30
  • 3
    Wave 03
    August 13


Bidding for the Raffle-Auction has closed.

Head to the Raffle-Auction homepage to see if you won a ticket!

Claiming will be open through July 31.



Frequently Asked
If I buy a ticket, and then I am accepted to Speak, can I get a refund for the original ticket I purchased?
If I am accepted for a discount after buying a full-priced ticket, can I get refund of the difference?
I need a Visa invitation Letter. How can I obtain one?
When will I get my ticket?
When will General ticket sales start?
Will there be opportunities to obtain discounted tickets?
Can I purchase tickets with crypto?
What are the policies towards Refunds & Transfers?
When tickets are sold out - How can I attend?